But the traffic was so jammed at one moment that I left the rickshaw and continued on feet through Old Delhi very busy streets.
There I was in Sleeper class hopefully with an american couple, Ben and Sydney, in the same area.
What we didn't know was that there would be more people than expected and the coaches are full without any compartment door. So we couldn t lie on our beds as it was in seat position with 4 people on each seat.... Anyway for a long while I was quiet, then the american went on the up- seats to try to sleep. And finally I started to talk with the indian people, who turned to be very nice, and funny, young men of 20-25 going home from Delhi for the week-end. There was also a policeman officer in the coach, but the only difference with other travellers was his uniform, and he had some authority too, but no gun. At the moment we were talking the train has stopped for a couple of hours. Technical problem : a family was taking the train as it was already running, but could not manage to put 2 children before the train goes too fast. The guys inside told the controller to stop the train as a family cannot be separated, the train stopped next station to wait for the remaining passengers... Then another stop of 4 hours this time, for a real technical problem. There had been an accident between Delhi and Jaipur, 2 coaches on the side, hopefully, not my train :-0
Then I got some sleep as I was feeling more comfortable with other local passengers, and anyway my bag was locked and attached below the seats ( necessary precaution though ), so I slept for a while until the controller finally wake me up in middle of the night to check my ticket. Anyway I found back sleep easily later thanks to my Quies balls. On the morning, i talked a bit with the indian men and also with Ben and Sydney. Then as we were travelling through desert-like lands, I played a bit of melodica ( the coach was almost empty at that time ) I had the attention of 3 indian boys , the older being 16, they were travelling to visit this part of India as they are originated from Calcutta. They seem to be to belong to a little higher class than most of people, the 16 teenage boy was very interesting and very curious.
At the stop in Jodhpur, 10 boys harassed us selling zip fixations or shoe things, they insisted a lot, I ask then why they don't go to school, they hardly found any answer to give except than I don't go to school. 2 very different kind of teenage here. I had the honor to be drawn by the 16 boy ( don t remember his name ) who is really good in drawing, drawing me within 5 mins as the sun was slowly falling the light going off....
Then Jaiselmer at night, lots of touths are here to welcome tourists and grab them in their hotel. My choice was already done with a boy advertising an hotel in the train and bringing there by jeep, so did the american and 3 polish travellers and 2 Irish.
After a very very nice washing ( not a shower alas, just a bucket ) and a good dinner, here I go for a walk in town, but too tired to dance all night (well, no night club anyway) so bye-bye and have a good night ! Connection is very slow here so no new picture, but at least I burn a cd as my memory card is already full !